Friday, 26 February 2016

2016's Flying Start!

Friday is here again, phew…  in one respect we are grateful as we are having the luxurious problem of being overrun with orders which means we are ALL shattered – Bring on the WEEKEND!!!  Thank you to the incredible success of all of the Shows we have exhibited at since September last year and including the huge number of customers placing orders at INPAS, our ROI Show with Bounce Ireland, and our Airquee Northern Ireland show it’s been an outstanding start to 2016 for us and the constant innovation Airquee brings to the industry has made us more popular than ever.  It sounds like a cliché but we are a victim of our own success – what a posh problem to have!

Speaking of the Northern Ireland Show, we had a fantastic turnout of both new and returning customers looking for the next best thing and we want to say our thanks again to everyone who visited! It was a great opportunity to catch up with everyone and Ollie, one of newest recruits to the Sales Team attended and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.  Phil H, Mark and Ollie from our UK office, along with Erika and Tilda from Romania! They were on hand to answer all questions from the streams of customers who visited to see all the units inflated at Cooley Castles Play Barn.  It is worth knowing that the Play Barn is constantly in use and could be visited at any time so let us know if you want to pop along.   You don’t need me to keep repeating myself as I am sure you’ve all seen our post on Facebook! If you haven’t then make sure you ‘like’ our page so you don’t miss out on our news! 
We’ve come up with so many new products recently; it can be easy to forget that we have a huge catalogue of products we’ve designed. Make sure you check out our vast products on the Airquee website to see for yourself the large array of product sizes, themes and types! 

Friday, 12 February 2016

Pancakes, Visitors and New Staff!

It’s been a little while since the last blog post, and boy have we been busy here at Airquee HQ! But one of the most exciting things which has happened this week – our very own Sales Director, Kerry, made the entire Cwmbran office pancakes! We were all extremely happy to take a small break from how busy we all are to eat those delicious sweet delicacies covered with golden syrup or sugar and lemon.  Personally, I think she is too kind, but she knows only too well how to look after the Team!
Back to inflatable news. It’s been hectic here with customers visiting our fantastic showroom. We have been inundated and selling so many stock units it is constantly changing so even if the same people come in next week they will have a chance to see some more of our excellent inflatable products and games!

We’re also very happy to welcome a new member of the Airquee UK team! Adam G is an extremely talented Graphic Designer who we are lucky to have stumbled across.  Adam will be helping ensure you can see our innovative products in the most creative way possible and watch this space for some amazing new artwork themes.  Adam has some new and exciting ideas and judging by what we’ve seen already we are eager to see what he will do.
The last few weeks have enabled us to see that this is the time of year where everyone is preparing for the start of the outdoor season for inflatables. Be sure to check all of your inflatables are in tip top condition; sadly it is a well-known fact that rodents can make a nice home in a rolled up inflatable so don’t leave it ‘til the last minute to inspect yours!

I’ve been saying it for a while, but with the success of the recent exhibitions and all of our lovely visitors telling us remember many, many customers have ‘imagined it and Airquee have made it’, and we can do it for you too!