This week at Airquee there has been a well-deserved Promotion
at HQ. We are delighted to announce that Clare our Accountant has been promoted
to Cwmbran Office Manager. Yaaaay! Well done Clare! Very much behind the scenes, Clare is hard at work dealing
with all your lovely payments, invoices and now looks after the whole office,
the Reception team and the Directors as well. Good luck Clare !! We all
love you !!!!
Several Visitors have been to see us in Cwmbran with their
secret plans…Carole, Ollie Wayne and Kerry have been calling our lovely
customers, taking more orders and generally keeping our factories stacked out
with production. We also had
visitors in the factories, a group of children from the local schools.
They had the chance to see the factory and to have a peek into the world of
inflatables. They really enjoyed playing, proof of this is this beautiful
drawing sent by a little princess the following day…
Not much else to report this week…the sun has been shining,
the seagulls are beginning to build their nest above our Airquee front door
which happens every year, we get dive-bombed when then chicks arrive…not long
to wait now!!!! Actually there was a seagull spotted with a mouthful of nesting
straw giving us the ‘evils’ as we arrived for work this week.. more news to
follow soon….