Thursday, 19 June 2014

In the summer time!

Ok, so the above picture might not be an accurate illustration of what's been happening in the Airquee office (although Jay has started wearing shorts, much to everyone's amusement). But it's what we would be doing if we weren't so busy making fantastic inflatables!

Kerry's had a Portsmouth themed week - a site visit to Hilsea Lido, to train them on using their inflatable. She had fun on site and a productive day, so the Lido will be getting the most out of their inflatable!

Then yesterday we had a visit at the office from another Pompey customer, collecting their brand new Boot Camp Base Jump and Last One Standing duel challenge games! They were really impressed and pleased with their units and had a go on them both. It was when we were packing them all away that we noticed the key in the control box was broken. It had snapped off so not only were we unable to turn the box on or off but they couldn't remove the key - meaning that they would need to be with the game at all times for safety reasons.

Now obviously this is far from ideal - a hirer wants to know that they can safely leave their control box switched off and take the key with them. So the Airquee team performed some amazing problem solving - Phil H, after a brief period of despair, managed to MacGyvor* the stuck half of the key out of the lock by dismantling the control box with a couple of paperclips (artistic license). Kerry then took both halves of the key to a local locksmith and voila! Working key, happy customers and a new part of the Airquee process - spare keys to be kept in the Bristol warehouse!

(*For younger readers, MacGyvor was an 80s tv show about a secret agent who could make the most extraordinary problem solving devices out of everyday items like paperclips or shoe laces. I used his name as a verb. I've never seen the show, but I hear it was good. Patty and Selma in The Simpsons liked it).

It's been a busy but dull day so far in the office. Here's hoping that tomorrow goes smoothly!

1 comment:

  1. Funnily enough I was often referred to as MacGyvor when i lived and worked in Portugal back in the very early 90's as the Portuguese found it hilarious that my surname was McIvor and always pronounced it incorrectly (You had to be there!)

    Regarding the whole 'broken key' incident I believe that having blonde hair and being of curvy stature I ought to be congratulated on my logical approach to the whole situation particularly as earlier in the day it took 3 MEN to look at the 'new boy's' pc to fathom how to change his text and i simply suggested 'just ctrl and Z it' and hey presto! It was fixed! I am also quite good with a drill it has been said; not to mention a lawn mower and screwdriver so maybe I was a man in a former life!

    Let's just say that being at Airquee is an experience and no two days are EVER the same which probably explains why I have been here over 3 years and usually job hop after 12-18 months!!!
