Friday, 11 September 2015

Busy Times and Goodbyes

The events season draws ever closer still, and here at Airquee we are putting the finishing touches on everything we need to provide the best show we can! The first stop on the itinerary is the LIW, Leisure Industry Week, held at the NEC in Birmingham on the Tuesday 22nd September and Wednesday 23rd September. The LIW is described as “the heartbeat of the UK leisure industry” and we intend to show how our innovation and expertise are perfect for any leisure business, and we will be showcasing a new product and range! Make sure you come along and to get the first look and a good deal!
In other, and sadder news this week, today is the final day of Helen, who previously wrote all the blog posts and social media. She has prepared us well with sarcasm and what we need to know and her contributions at Airquee will continue to help us be the best we can be! We can continue to show you how amazing we are at more upcoming shows.

A short post this week, but those finishing touches for the shows must be completed. More news from us here in the upcoming weeks where if you can imagine it, Airquee can make it. Soon you will be able to see some of our new products exclusively at the shows, just a small fraction of what we can do!

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